Roy Stevenson - Communications Articles

Roy writes on military communications history, modern military and search and rescue communication systems for several ham radio magazines in the U.S. and U.K. Here is a small sampling of his articles. Select the magazine cover to read the story.

Monitoring Times
June 2009
The Super-High-Tech Communications Systems of the Stryker Brigade, Fort Lewis, Washington
What is big and green, weighs 20 tons, runs 60 mph, and has serious attitude? Find the answer here.

Popular Communications
April 2008
A Stroll Through Military Comms History
Roy Stevenson gives insight into a relatively little-known area of military operations: the signaling equipment of the Royal Corps of Signals in the Royal Signals Museum.

Popular Communications
July 2008
Life Support—Mountain Wave Emergency Communications
How one organization’s search and rescue know-how is saving lives in the Pacific Northwest.

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